E. Littel
The Circassian Exodus, Littell's Living Age, Volume 26, July, August, September pp. 460 - 468, 1864 Boston
A grievous calamity has befallen a brave nation little known to the British public, but invested with that romantic interest which always attaches to deeds of daring, to an unstained cause, and to an unequal struggle, maintained by a nation in defence of its liberty and independence. "It is apparent," Lord Napier writes on the 23d of Mat last "that the Russian Government have long taken an absolute resolution at any risk to remove the whole of the (Circassian) mountaineers still in arms from their native places.
The system pursued has been for two years past to move the troops and the Cossack forts and settlements slowly but surely up the valleys which pour their waters northward to the basin of the Kouban, dispossessing the indigenous inhabitants at every step until at last the highest fastnesses have been reached, an the people inhabiting the water-shed have been pushed over into the valleys sloping southward to the Black Sea, and have carried the savage and sequestered people of those regions in masses to the coast." From the coast, as we know, they are flying by tens of thousands across the sea, to perish by famine and disease under the well-meant but clumsy and inadequate protection of the Turkish Government. But, although attention has now been for the first time generally called to what is passing in the Caucasus, it would be a mistake to suppose that depopulation by Russia of the regions lying about those venerable mountains has only now begun.
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